Monday, August 28, 2006

24 Weeks and Waiting

I believe the saying "No news is good news" applies in our case. We're happy that we've had relatively little to share about our maternity journey so far. We found out about our little bundle of joy on an early weekend morning in late April.

David was in denial to at least early that evening after making Summer take 2 tests (of different brand names). Our first Dr's Appointment was in Early May at 8 weeks. In the accompanying first ultrasound you'll see our little blob minus arms and legs accompanied by "it's" egg sac still intact. We were just happy to see there was only one little person in there!
At this point, Summer assured David that they were having a boy. Not 100% certainty of course, Summer had never been pregnant before so she was willing to accept some degree of error--but otherwise, definately a boy. David smiled knowingly and assured Summer that as long as it was healthy it didn't matter what it was. Summer assured him it was a boy.

The Nuchal Translucency test was the first time we really saw what we were in for. This test is used to screen for certain genetic defects and happily we appear to be at low risk for anything. However, it was the first time we saw our little guy move.

Perhaps moving is an understatement, he hopped around using only his abdomen as a spring board. Our doctor commented on how active our little person was. I believe this is what you call foreshadowing.

At 14 weeks or so, Summer decided to try a blood test that screens for X and Y chromosomes to determine the sex of the baby. It may sound simple, but it's actually disputed among researchers. So after waiting a day or so for the results, we were told that we were having a boy. On the other hand, Google searches revealed thousands of people who stated that their results were correct, and an equal number mentioning that their results were incorrect. Therefore we figured our odds were back to 50/50....

At 19 Weeks it was time for the anatomy scan. Basically, this is where they were counting all the arms and legs and trying to measure the head, etc. Normally this is a quick appointment. However, this is our little bundle of energy (from David's genes of course). Our little person had somehow learned to escape the ultrasound machine, and hide in the corner, or turn in just the wrong position. In any case, we created a stir with our ultrasound technician.

When we first arrived we were told that we couldn't take pictures. We'd been told this before, but no one else ever seemed to mind. Trust me, this woman did! Then, we found out that there was no mirror for Summer to watch what was going on during the ultrasound. David was relegated to the back wall where he had to peek around the technician to catch a glimpse.

But did that stop him? When the technician wasn't looking David pulled out his camera and held it out to the side to try to catch a shot. (Insert Camera chime here...) He was caught red-handed. The technician's head whipped around with a scowl. Summer metaphorically created a way out for David by assuring the technician that 'no, David is turning the camera off.'

Did I mention that the technician couldn't get the baby to sit still? Oh and when he did, he fell the wrong position. We had a brownie with us, and were encouraged to eat it to wake up the baby.

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